
My most favourite watercolour I ever painted (now owned by a customer in Texas...yes...I know...wow!) I made a print of it too so I could have it in my kitchen. I like to think they are like magical portals connecting me to my customer across the pond.

Art is my way to escape the mundane things in life and to find meaning and purpose. A microcosm of magic.


A Scientific Artist?

I am a scientist by training and an artist by nature. I find that one informs the other. I loved my studies of chemistry and biology. I liked to pretend that I was a medieval alchemist, using the right combination of elements to make a magical potion that could give me superhuman powers. 

Making art felt like an extension to this. A way that I could bring something into reality out of a few simple ingredients and a powerful imagination. 

 I help others to do the same, to escape through art. I have run creative visualisation courses and have a number of my guided art meditations featured in various publications. 

Join my Magic Circle

I followed a scientific career and enjoyed it but...there was a deep yearning inside to turn my passion for my art into something I could share more. I have worked on various iterations of art businesses but finally I have learned what I love to create. What brings me joy.

I help others to do the same, to escape through art. I run creative visualisation courses and have a number of my guided art meditations featured in various publications. 

My art today helps people to find their way to escape. To help them ignite that spark of magic within them.

I help people to transform into a more magical version of themselves through a mysterious sculpture or a mystical scenescape. I am a scientist and a Pagan and my art is about magical transformation of the mind. I believe in the power of the mind and its ability to transform how we think, feel and experience our lives.

I am the artist with the magical paintbrush.

As a Pagan, I understand the power of transformation and the importance of connecting with the mystical energy of the universe. I am always seeking a deeper spiritual connection, a heightened sense of intuition and a more magical life.

Each oil painting is designed to help you tap into the power of nature and connect with the divine. I have been known to ‘charge’ my brushes under a full moon! I often incorporate essential oils and other ingredients that are believed to have spiritual properties into my oil paints. Essential oils can be used in a variety of ways such as in meditation, ritual work, or simply to enhance the atmosphere of a space. If each painting were a spell, then my brushes and paints are my tools and must be magically anointed! Whether you are looking to improve your meditation practice, increase your energy levels, or simply create a peaceful atmosphere in your home, my oil paintings can help you achieve a deeper level of connection.

My magical sculptures are crafted with intention and infused with the energy of the natural world. I use recycled materials and found items from nature herself. Each one is a unique work of art designed to help you connect with the mystical energy of the universe. They become a symbol of protection, a reminder of your spiritual journey, or simply a beautiful piece of art to adorn your home. These sculptures are created with intention and imbued with energy, making them potent symbols of transformation. They can be used in a variety of ways such as for visualisation exercises, as a focal point for meditation, or simply as a reminder of a specific intention. As an art mindfulness facilitator, I can work with you to create custom pieces that are tailored to your particular' needs.

By incorporating art into your mindfulness practice, you can take your sessions to new heights of transformation. These tools can help your participants tap into their inner magic and connect with their deepest selves. Why not give it a try and see how these powerful tools can enhance your art mindfulness practice?

So, if you are ready to transform your mind from the mundane to the magical, I invite you to explore my collection of mystical oils and magical sculptures. With their powerful energy and intention, they can help you tap into the limitless potential of the universe and achieve your wildest dreams.

"The mind is not a book, to be opened at will and examined at leisure. Thoughts are not etched on the inside of skulls, to be perused by an invader. The mind is a complex and many-layered thing."

Severus Snape

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