What Exactly is a Boggart and What Does it Mean?

What Exactly is a Boggart and What Does it Mean?

I need to go to therapy myself I think!!
I had a really horrific dream last night. My long suffering husband had to do his thing and wake me up because I was yelling in my sleep. I have awful dreams sometimes. Last night there was a man holding my down and he face became contorted into some demonic form and his voice was evil and guttural. I could not break free. Then when I got back to sleep, he came back... with friends. This time Dennis the cat was hissing and trying to scratch them.
Turns out, spraying them with lavendar gets rid of them. My mind is really not my friend sometimes.
But is that not true for all of us? We all have fears. Admittedly, your dreams might be a bit less scary than mine but, you still have something you fear.
In Harry Potter (my goto psychologcal metaphor) it is called a Boggart. It is the thing you fear the most.
I have started listening, for the third time, to Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. Hubby got me Airpod Pro's for Christmas so I am an audiobook fanatic now. But reading books you already know again and again is not a bad thing, and I see a great deal of similarities between magic and helping your mind. Think of the boggart in the book. You never see its true form because it has no form until you think about it (links to #cbtthinking ). It appears as the thing you fear most (our inner worries about what might happen) and you disarm it with laughter...clever Rowling very clever.
What are you most frightened of and how might you disarm it through humour?
Comment below.
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