They Never Specified What Machine we Should Rage Against...

They Never Specified What Machine we Should Rage Against...

Rage Against the Machine, a band I listed to a lot in my early Twenties...but what machine are we raging against?
I am pretty sure its a printer!! 🤪
Or the new door lock. Hubby invested in a new gadget for the front door that is meant to lock and unlock intelligently and allows you to enter your house once you pass the 'geofence'...woooah...a geofence! But its playing up. Won't lock and its fallen out with Alexa too.
He is certainly raging againt it and they have asked for him to review his purchase. Its good he has patience.
Machines can be great however and I would be lost without my phone and MacBook. But as our lives get more and more mechanised and controlled by artificial intelligence I yearn to escape to the wild places.
I am reminded of lyrics from one of my favourite singer-songwriters, Damh the Bard.
"Oh, this town is so cold, neon magicians they offer the fools their gold, but there is some place that I'd rather be. In your wild places with the land and the sky and the sea."
I am working on a new painting at the moment.
Tentatively he stepped into the clearing, lantern lowered against the light from the hazy hunter’s moon. His spirit guide Raven watched from the branch of a nearby oak tree.
Taking a step into the unknown is scary, but better than the alternative of stagnating and not growing.
What do you think so far? I have got to add the light in the lantern and extend the trunk of the oak tree on the left down a bit (this brings it more into the foreground and places it closer to the figure). I am going to add some Autumn leaves too...not too many.
Got any suggestions...let me know!
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